Aghigh Tile

Aghigh Tile Factories Company (private joint stock) was established in 1999 on a land of 150.000 m2 with the initial goal of annual production of 3.000.000 m2.
And now, with the help of our expert colleagues and with you, our dear customers, we have reached a capacity of about 10 million square meters per year, which in the country, few factories have achieved such a production capacity.

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Variety of Sizes

Variety of Colors

نصب رایگان

Suitable For Any Place & Taste

Experience A Variety of Sizes And Colors With Aghigh Tile

Developments in the Tile and Ceramic Industry

Ceramic Tile News and Events

تقویم 1404 کاشی عقیق

تقویم 1404 کاشی عقیق برای دسکتاپ، خدمت نمایندگان و همکاران گرامی تقدیم می گردد. امیدواریم در این سال شاهد اتفاقات خوشایندی برای مردم ایران باشیم....

اولین شوروم تخصصی کاشی عقیق در تبریز

تبریزی های عزیز 🥰 شوروم تخصصی کاشی عقیق در شهر تبریز، با برخورداری از جدیدترین محصولات اعم از انواع طرح های 100*100 و 80*80، میزبان...

24th anniversary of the establishment of Aghigh Tile company

On the October 12, I would like to congratulate and greet the establishment of "Aghigh Tile Factory Company" to this great family.

Obtaining the title of country's green industry sample unit in 2019

With the help of the Almighty Lord, Aghigh Tile Company succeeded in obtaining the title of the sample unit of the country's green industry for the third time.

Happy Labour Day

In the name of God, the Entrepreneur. God is the true provider. God who is forgiving and guiding. "The heart of a worker is familiar with his love."